It’s been a long journey since we initially announced the Engravinator and showed it off at the East Coast RepRap festival. The response was more than we could have hoped for. We’ve been spending the time since then doing our due diligence to make sure that if and when we brought full kits to market, they would exceed expectations. We are happy to say that we have sorted all the details out and we are happy to announce that it is now for sale on Tindie!
We’ve been lucky enough to partner with the wonderful ZYLtech on these kits and we are super proud of how they came out. We’ve made a few small tweaks to the design to better match what ZYLtech had available, but fear not, it’s all clearly detailed in the build guide.
Also, please note that for the time being we are not including the laser module itself in the kit. This decision was not made without great consideration, but:
- We designed the system to support multiple types and powers of laser laser modules so we didn’t want to limit people to one choice.
- The pricing of the laser modules can sometimes vary wildly, making it difficult to keep a consistent price for the kit.
- Customs can often get in the way when importing a large number of laser modules but getting just one is pretty easy.
Speaking of international shipping - for now, these kits are only available in the United States. We’d love to offer them world wide but for now we are starting with a smaller rollout while we assess the sales.
Also, many thanks to our beta group for the amazing feedback. The design and documentation are far better for it!
Head on over to Tindie now to get yours!